ISSH Research Wing

The ISSH research wing was conceptualised and proposed to the ISSH in August 2021 by Dr Anil K. Bhat, Professor and Head, Department of Hand surgery, KMC, Manipal. It was launched in September 2021 after approval by the ISSH executive council. The first meeting of the research wing was held on 16th September, 2021.
The wing was formed and implemented with an am to co-ordinate and collate the clinical work of our members towards research outcomes.
The objectives are
- To inculcate, encourage and support research culture and hand hold clinicians towards research outcomes.
- To support, co-ordinate and enhance publications, multi centre studies to reach high volume numbers from our country in specific areas of hand surgery.
- To develop scientific registry systems from Indian hand surgery centres.
- To engage renowned international resource persons to guide and collaborate in scientific studies.
With immense support from ISSH executive council, the team is led by Dr Anil K. Bhat with support from the core team comprising of
- Dr Karthikeyan
- Dr Hari Venkataramani
- Dr Ravi Bharadwaj
- Dr Tahir Ansari
- Dr Sheeja Rajan
- Dr Umar Farooq
- Dr Vishal Mago
- Dr Sreekanth Raveendran
- Dr Vijay Malshikare
- Dr John Santoshi
- Dr Ajeesh Shankaran
- Dr Arya Roy
- Dr Rohan Habbu
- Dr Satish Mane
Current Activities
- Normative data project 2022
- Research clinic: Monthly webinar on focussed group mentoring: Manuscript writing for Prospective study, Case report/case series, Retrospective study and Review of literature
- Mentorship for guidance in research pathways for each category of publication (case reports/case series/ prospective and retrospective studies, RCTS)
- Research wing support: Statistician consultancy, Patient outcome measures, Repository of data collection forms, research methodology protocols, Access to research related software, Copy editing process, Peer review assistance before publication
Future Plans:
- Systematic reviews and Multicentric studies: creating a dashboard in the ISSH website for like-minded researchers.
- Registry for various categories of hand trauma, Congenital hand differences, replantation, nerve and tendon injuries, Brachial plexus injuries (adult and pediatric) Free flaps, Wrist pathologies.
- Scientific writing assistance as value added service for publications (case series, case reports).
- Collaboration with international faculty for co-authorship and building an international faculty team to assist the above objectives.