Sunday Watch

Week 50
Littler's Neurovascular Island Flap for Thumb Tip Defects
Dr. Hari Venkatramani, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore
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Week 49
Dual Mobility First CMC Joint Replacement
Dr. Sumedh Talwlakar, Wrightington, UK
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Week 47
Posterior Interosseous Artery Flap
Dr. Laxminarayan Bhandari, Dr. Rajiv Iyengar, Al Valmadrid
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Week 45
Posterior Approach for SA to SSN Nerve Transfer in Brachial Plexus Injuries
Dr. Raghav Shrotriya, Dr. Vinita Puri & Dr. Venkateswaran N, KEM Hospital, Mumbai
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Week 44
Antegrade Intra-medullary Wiring for Phalangeal Neck and Shaft Fractures
Dr. Hemant Patankar, Mumbai
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Week 40
Percutaneous Fixation of Scaphoid Fracture
Dr. Darshan Kumar Jain, Bengaluru
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Week 39
Metacarpal and Phalangeal Fracture Plating
Dr. Alphonsus Chong, NUH, Singapore
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Week 37
Dynamic External Fixator Application for the Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) Joint Dorsal Fracture Dislocation
Dr. Jayakrishnan KN, Abu Dhabi
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Week 36
Double Dynamic Traction for Phalangeal Fractures
Dr. V J Gawande, Past President of ISSH
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Week 35
Dr Scott N. Oishi, UT Southwestern Medical School, Texas, USA
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Week 34
Trapezius Transfer for Shoulder Abduction
Dr Vigneswaran V, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore
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Week 32
Replantation of Avulsion Amputation of the Finger
Dr Vimalendu Brajesh, Medanta Hospital, Gurugram
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Week 29
Minimally Invasive Tendon Transfer for Radial Nerve Palsy
Dr Ashwath Acharya, Manipal
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Week 28
Zone- 2 Flexor Tendon Repair under WALANT
Dr Ajeesh Sankaran, Perintalmanna, Kerala
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Week 27
Repair of the Ulnar Collateral Ligament of the Thumb
Dr Shailesh Gupta, Indore, India
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Week 26
ORIF of Extra articular Distal Radius Fracture
Dr Laxminarayan Bhandari, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA
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Week 24
Intramedullary Screw Fixation for Metacarpal and Phalangeal Fractures
Dr David Graham, Australia
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Week 23
Shotgun Approach to the PIP Joint for Fracture Fixation
Jayakrishnan, Abu Dhabi
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Week 21
Oberlin Transfer (Nerve Transfer for Restoring Elbow Flexion)
Dr Vimalendu Brajesh, Medanta Hospital, Gurugram
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Week 19
Graft Reposition on Flap (GRF) in Allen Type IV Amputations
Dr Vijay Anandrao Malshikare, Pune
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Week 18
Silastic Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Arthroplasty
Dr Anthony Berger, Melbourne
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Week 14
Dorsal Plate Fixation of a Distal Radius Fracture
Dr Ravi G Bharadwaj, Kolkata
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Week 12
Ante-grade Intra-medullary K-wiring of Metacarpal Neck Fracture
Dr Hemant Patankar, Mumbai
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Week 11
Painless Local Anaesthesia for Carpal Tunnel Release
Dr Donald Lalonde, Canada
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Week 9
Cubital Tunnel Release and Submuscular Anterior Transposition
Dr Rohit Garg, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
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Week 8
Mini-Open Carpal Tunnel Release
Dr Dafang Zhang, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
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Week 7
Extensor Tendon Repair Under Local Anaesthesia
Dr Srinivasan Rajappa, SRMC, Chennai
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Week 6
Trapeziectomy + Ligament Reconstruction & Tendon Interposition
Dr Hemant Patankar, Mumbai
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Week 1
Planning and Execution of a Groin and Lower Abdominal Flap to Cover the Dorsal & Volar Defects in a Hand
Dr S. Raja Sabapathy, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore
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